Victoria Te You Moore, LCPC, CGP, AGPA-F

Group Name:
Experiential Training Groups for Mental Health Clinicans
Group Description:
This training group can be for clinicians who resonate with any of the following goals:

1) to deepen their awareness of themselves, of interpersonal dynamics, and of group-level dynamics
2) to connect with, and learn from, other clinicians in what can be a lonely profession
3) to explore the practice and integration of psychodynamic, IFS, 12-steps, improvisational, and clowning principles in clinical practice
4) to deepen their capacities to navigate the complexities of group leadership as well as their confidence in their ability to take up such a role
5) to uncover, explore, and work through their unconscious templates for leadership and authority
6) to earn a CGP credential
Other Group Category
All Gender, Remote
Select Specialty (choose all that apply for this specific group):
Addiction, Psychodynamic, Improvisation
Other Specialty:
IFS, Cross-Cultural, Leadership, Physical Theater
Days Offered:
Duration (if not an on-going group):
Start time:
11:00 CDT
End time:
12:15 CDT
Anything additional to add:
This group takes a 6-week break in June/July. Sliding scale available.